I was asked last weekend how does one pack for 9 months away?
As Steve and I sat on our ‘spare’ and largest suitcase last night trying to jam in 50lb of winter clothes and ski wear into the case I asked myself the same question so, I guess it’s a good question to ask.
We’ve travelled independently and as a family for many years and each of us requires some basics to make it an enjoyable trip. However you have to have a basic formula to avoid bringing too much and it was this: kids: simple. - Pretty much everything they owned as we’ll outgrow it. As they have school uniform it also means it’s not much. A pair of jeans, shorts, T’s, a few jumpers and swim gear. Steve was similar. For me, I split into summer and winter. Winter is black and more black for with a smattering of grey and white and a pair of jeans for good measure. Summer I added some colour and can mix. On ones feet, well everyone has trainers and flats that can be dumped when worn out – certainly at this stage no high heels for me!
As to our individual requirements? Kyran needed books. So far he’s gone through 8 and half of which he is refusing to depart with and will send back to Oz. Erin needed her three cuddly items and music. She also picks up memorabilia from each place for her journal. She’s got maps, pins, business cards, menus - the works!!
Steve’s wardrobe was not complete with a suit jacket and best shoes so he can hobnob with all the right people and of course the basketball which poor Kyran, with the lightest load, is lugging around. Steve also brought a years supply of contact lenses which he split into two packs (just in case half goes missing).
I seem to have the heaviest case but its got the medical kit which can effectively save anybody anywhere and the and dirty washing bag which never seems empty. Other than that I have the iphone with camera and my Mac. I now know that in the future I will have forgotten the finer details of our trip and thus journals and photos are the best way to keep the memory sharp.
So last night as we packed away the ski and winter clothes and gave a suitcase of gear away to the charity shop I wondered how it was that we’ve so quickly gained so much.
The extra case is being sent back to Oz this week and and we will also forward the suit and some warmer clothes to NYC for our post Costa Rica trip back to the US.
So hopefully we’ll be down to four light packs as we travel through Costa and Belize but no doubt everyone will find a ‘must have’ and I’m betting already that Steve has purchased another basketball shirt at today’s Spurs games!